# what is this place? First off, my name is Ben Hoff. I'm a Science teacher and programmer. Through my work in both those fields, I have been taking notes on stuff I learn and keeping records of stuff I make. I had been pretty disorganized about it, until I started centralizing my notes into [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md). Obsidian has an option to publish your notes as a website. So, I created a folder for all of my notes that I may want to share out at some point and published them here. Everything is a work-in-progress, but you are more than welcome to have a look around. # what's worth checking out? If you're a teacher or group leader, I'm putting together a "play book" with activities to facilitate productive, meaningful group work. [[! what is the play book?|Check it out here.]] If you're a student of mine, you may also be here for my [[design resources]] or to see my [[CasualOS]] examples. > [!IMPORTANT] this is a work in progress > This website is messy while I'm trying to figure out what's worth having here. To be honest, this place will probably never be super organized, but I hope you find something worthwhile here.