> [!WARNING] this page is changing
> The plays in this book are meant to guide you while you work.
> They are still being written, so feel free to suggest changes.
The "play book" is a collection of processes to facilitate project work.
Many of the plays written for teams can also be done alone.
Each step in a play practices a skill from [XQ's Competencies](https://xqcompetencies.xqsuperschool.org/home).
### all plays
###### for teams
- [[check-in]] // teamwork
- [[issue resolver]] // teamwork
- [[team launch]] // planning
- [[design dash]] // planning
###### for teams OR individuals
- [[feedback session]] // improving
- [[rose, bud, thorn]] // planning
- [[to-do tune-up]] // planning
###### for individuals
- [[tomato timer]] // work time
- [[mini milestones]] // work time