#team > [!INFO] what is this? > This is a process for groups of students to follow when *creating* a group to work on a project together. It is designed to anticipate & plan for problems before they arise, and make sure the group has a shared goal to work toward. --- <div class="invert-next-dark"/> ![[Bankruptcy.svg|300]] # risks & roadblocks | ![\|150](https://xqnavigator.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/ProblemSolving.svg) | problem solving[↗](https://xqcompetencies.xqsuperschool.org/?selection=OT.PS.2.d)<br>`strategic planning`<br>---<br>*I analyze and describe how past trends and cycles are or are not related to my strategies and thinking.* | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1. Make sure everyone has been briefed on the project 2. We have leapt forward in time and the project failed spectacularly 3. On sticky notes, independently write every reason you can think for the failure 4. Group similar sticky notes together 5. Plot your groups on a 2-axis chart (`x: unlikely → likely; y: small problem → big problem`) <div class="invert-next-dark" /> ![[problem vs likely.svg]] --- <div class="invert-next-dark"/> ![[Group Discussion.svg|300]] # goals & worries | ![\|150](https://xqnavigator.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/DiversePerspectives.svg) | diverse perspectives[↗](https://xqcompetencies.xqsuperschool.org/?selection=GC.SA.1.b)<br>`situating my perspective`<br>---<br>*I identify the facts, assumptions, and biases that form my perspective on a given issue / circumstance and analyze relationships among them.* | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1. As a group, come up with multiple answers for each of these questions: - *What does our teacher hope we get out of this project?* - *What do I want to get out of this project?* - *What am I worried about in regards to the project?* *(You may use your risk map to inform these)* 2. Complete the following template from the group's answers. Discuss and workshop until everyone is happy ***[Our project]** was designed to achieve: **[these goals]** We have decided that we want: **[these goals]** We also recognize the following roadblocks: **[worries]**. How can we approach **[our project]** in a way that fulfills our needs and minimizes our risks?* --- <div class="invert-next-dark"/> ![[Brainstorming.svg|300]] # plan & prioritize | ![\|150](https://xqnavigator.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/PursuingGoals.svg) | pursuing goals[↗](https://xqcompetencies.xqsuperschool.org/?selection=LL.SM.2.b)<br>`action planning`<br>---<br>*I translate my ideas, concerns, and findings into action plans that successfully meet identified goals.* | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1. If you don't know *what* you're working on yet, do a [[design dash]] 2. Individually, brainstorm ideas on sticky notes to address the each goal & worry of your project 3. Share sticky notes & group similar ideas 4. Sort your groups from `less important` to `more important` --- <div class="invert-next-dark"/> ![[Integration.svg|300]] # roles & responsibilities | ![\|150](https://xqnavigator.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/ProductiveCollaboration.svg) | productive collaboration[↗](https://xqcompetencies.xqsuperschool.org/?selection=GC.IS.4.b)<br>`navigating roles`<br>---<br>*I identify discrete needs and roles in group work, and defer to teammates' strengths and expertise to achieve them.* | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 1. Have everyone share which ideas from your plan they feel like they could be responsible for (Note: *responsible for* does not mean *the only one doing*) 2. Using the skills that each other has (or wants to practice) to design roles for everyone 3. Make a table like the following to describe what everyone's role will be | Role Name | Person | Responsibilities | Skills to Practice | | -------------- | ----------- | ---------------- | ------------------ | | *role here* | *student a* | *- action items* | *- list skills* | | *another role* | *student b* | *- action items* | *- list skills* | --- <div class="invert-next-dark"/> ![[Presentation.svg|300]] # summarize & propose | ![\|150](https://xqnavigator.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/MakingMeaning.svg) | making meaning[↗](https://xqcompetencies.xqsuperschool.org/?selection=FL.ID.1.a)<br>`synthesizing information`<br>---<br>*I curate, read, and synthesize information from varied sources to understand a broader picture of an event or situation.* | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1. As a group, fill out this template to summarize your groups goals and approach: *For **[our project]**, the most important goals are: -**[student & teacher goals]** -… To make sure we accomplish them, we will have: -**[role]** **[responsibility]** -… We recognize our biggest risks are: -**[risk/worry]** -… And we are ready to address problems as they arise because: -**[role]** will **[responsibility]** -… We will know that our work was successful and meaningful when **[measurable, positive outcome(s)]*** 2. Workshop your summary to make sure everyone is represented and that your most important goals, worries, and responsibilities are at the top 3. Use your summary to pitch your ideas to your teacher and get approval to move on with your plan